
Brooklyn Nine-Nine : Reviews about American series

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a lighthearted American sitcom television. This series created by Michael Schur and Dan Goor. Furthermore directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. The show is a police procedural comedy. That follows the lives of a group of detectives in the 99th precinct in New York. The series revolves around the little hilarious conflicts between an utterly immature. Yet competent, Detective Jake Peralta and the stern, staunch and stoic, Captain Raymond Holt. The show first premiered on September 17, 2013, on Fox in the United States.

Brooklyn Nine

Though a police procedural show, but the tone sets at humor dropping. That grave ambiance also procedures tend to have in favor of the lighter, comic genre of the sitcom. Moreover, the show consists of seven seasons and a total of 143 episodes. Starring Andy Samberg as the charming goofball Jake Peralta. Melissa Fumero an extremely hard-working and cutthroat competition. Amy Santiago, Stephanie Beatriz as the tough, scary, and secretive. Rosa Diaz, Terry Crews as the ferocious but caring. Terry Jeffords, Andre Braugher as the perfect, professional, and a stickler for rules Raymond Holt. Chelsea Peretti as the ditzy and sarcastic Gina Linetti, Joel McKinnon Miller, and Dirk Blocker as the sluggish. Further twiddle- dum and twiddle- Doo Norm Scully and Michael Hitchcock in the main lead.

Main Storyline:

The main storyline revolves around the daily lives of some detectives. As they are adapted to the relaxed and carefree manner of working. But this changes when their new commanding officer, Captain Raymond Holt, appointed. Detective Jake Peralta faces some serious troubles. Thus, adjusting with his extremely punctual captain given his somewhat childish behavior.

The show has bagged many laurels and awards over the years. It grabbed the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series-Musical or Comedy in 2014. Also GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2018.Further Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actor (Andy Samberg) in a Television Series- Comedy . Also Musical in 2014, Critics Choice Television Awards for Best Supporting Actor (Andre Braugher) in a Comedy Series in 2016. Hence, many more such honors.

Issues portrayed in Brooklyn Nine :

The show openly talks about important social issues like racism and the LGBTQ community. As, Captain Raymond Holt is an openly black, gay detective. At a time when being so was not socially acceptable. The first season itself addresses this through certain humorous flashbacks. Especially highlighting the struggles he had to face. From the very beginning of his career in the New York Police Department. It also shows how Amy Santiago, a female officer does not get the respect she deserves. While comparing to her male counterpart, Jake Peralta. This can be seen as a sardonic comment on the gruesome realities of the world. As a woman faces discrimination due to her gender. Additionally, a gay man is not accepted just because of his sexuality.

Brooklyn Nine

Giovani Lampassi deserves special mention for brilliant cinematography. The show is a single camera shoot and truly deserves accolades. The cast is stacked with talented performers who are par excellence. The sitcom has been rated 4/5 by Common Sense Media, 8.4/10 by IMDb, and 95% by Rotten Tomatoes.

The show has managed to keep its authenticity and creativity alive across the seven seasons with a progressive storyline. The viewers are eagerly waiting for Season 8. As a whole, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or B99 popularly known as a complete package. Hence a package of brilliant direction and execution. Hence, is a must-watch for some cheerful comedy.


Arushi Sinha

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